How to get Bargantua and the best Moveets in Pokémon Go
Gargantua joined Pokémon Go, and you can go out and capture this Pokemon now. There are two versions of Pokemon. One comes with a red line on his body, and there is another with a blue line. You can receive one or the other, but it's important to your location.
For those of the Western Hemisphere of the World, you will receive the Dubbing Gargantua. If you are in the eastern hemisphere of the world, you can receive the red scratch Gargantua. There are no status changes or special displacement sets for different choices. They are only different and for collectors of Pokemon that may be important.
Gargantua is a water type Pokemon. You will want to explore the beaches, lakes, rivers, ports or all small waterways. You can also find them a little more during rainy days in a city, but you'll have much more luck in other places.
The maximum statistics for Gargantua indicate a maximum CP of 2090, an attack of 189, a defense of 129 and an endurance of 172. It is not an incredible competitor when it comes to changing your list, but that could be useful Pokemon for your second level of choice. Here are the movements he can learn:
Aqua Jet (load) Aqua Tail (fee) Muddy water (paying)
Tackle (fast)
Water pistol (fast)
Among these choices, you want your Gargantua to be equipped with a water pistol and a tail aqua or a tackle with Aqua Tail or Muddy Water. These are your best options to buy a reasonable Gargantua, but they all align each other closely.
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